China Law & Policy believes that an understanding of the development of the Chinese legal system is integral to an informed U.S. policy toward China. In China, where the legal system is often indistinguishable from the political system, which laws are effectively implemented is not necessarily determined by an independent legal system, but instead reflects the political priorities of the ruling Chinese Communist Party. U.S. policy needs to take this fact into consideration.
China Law & Policy is chiefly written by Elizabeth M. Lynch with occasional guest blogging by others in the field.

Elizabeth is the founder of China Law & Policy and is currently an attorney practicing in New York City. She is also a member of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations. For over eight years, she was a legal services attorney at Mobilization for Justice, representing low-income New Yorkers in housing and consumer cases. In 2015, Elizabeth was named a New York Law Journal “Rising Star,” and her writing has appeared in the Washington Post, SupChina, New York Times, the Huffington Post and the George Washington International Law Review. From 2007 to 2009, Elizabeth was a research fellow at NYU Law School’s US-Asia Law Institute where she worked with Professor Jerome Cohen on criminal justice reform projects in China. She received her JD from Harvard Law School and her BA in Chinese Studies and Political Science from the State University of New York at Albany. Before attending law school, Elizabeth spent one year as a Fulbright Scholar researching rule of law issues at Peking University in Beijing.
Unless otherwise noted (such as writings by guest bloggers), all opinions on this blog are Elizabeth’s and do not reflect the opinions of any group for which she works. Similarly, all typos and mistakes are her own as well.
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China Law & Policy welcomes postings from others, particularly those that are well written and require little editing. We also welcome ideas for blog posts. Got something to say? Please email elynch@chinalawandpolicy.com.
All opinions expressed by guest bloggers are their own and do not reflect the opinions of their employers or even China Law & Policy.
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